Conscious Relationship Coaching Program

For Individuals & Couples Who Want Thriving Relationships That TURN YOU ON & Allow You To Reach Your Fullest Potential.


“100 Conscious Relationships Will Be Created in 2024…

and I’m personally inviting you to be one of them.”

Join our Founder, Leticia Ringe’s bespoke Conscious Relationship Coaching Program…

A highly customised transformational coaching journey to transform limiting relational patterns, heal from past relationship experiences & embody the conscious relating skills needed to thrive in life & relationship.

First, listen to this 6 minute video…


If You Want To Create a Thriving Romantic Partnership That Most

People Only Ever Dream OF By Working Directly With Me (Leticia Ringe).

An Award Winning Coach And Former Family Lawyer. Then This Coaching Program Is For You!


Conscious Relationship Coaching Program?

A bespoke coaching program for individuals and couples (whether you're in a relationship or single right now) who want to approach their romantic life & relationship consciously: so that you create the thriving romantic relationship with yourself, and your partner, that you truly desire!

Be An Example Of What's Possible.

I was broken hearted, coming out of a relationship, and knew I had to heal. What I didn’t know is that I’d be able to heal and feel glorious at the same time. Don’t get me wrong: I was also really sad sometimes and grieving, but Leticia helped me process my emotions, focus on my self, and really enjoy the transition in new ways. I had never enjoyed being single so much before (even though I thought I had!), and I learned a lot about my own needs and meeting them. I now feel more relaxed, confident, and ready to re-enter the dating world with new tools and more self-love. From my broken and healed heart to yours, I whole-heartedly recommend Leticia!
— Cathy, USA


Was Created For Two Reasons:

  • REASON 1:

    Your romantic partner will be the person you spend the most time with throughout your life. This means, It MATTERS who you create this partnership with.

    Too many people are allowing themselves to settle for less than they desire within their romantic life because they simply do not know how to approach their relationship CONSCIOUSLY.

    This distraction SUCKS the passion & drive you could be experiencing within every other area of your life and leads to relationships failing.

  • REASON 2:

    The examples of romantic relationships available are outdated, unfulfilling & leave both parties feeling TRAPPED & wanting more.

    Your romantic life can be the TRIGGER for both parties growth, healing, purpose and personal development. All it takes is learning to approach ourselves & our relationship CONSCIOUSLY.

    By creating a conscious relationship in your life, you will create a conscious relationship with YOURSELF & a partner that will SUPPORT the growth & thriving life you truly desire.

Even If Right Now, You Can't Say You 100%

Believe In Your Desire… IT’S OK.

We were all there at one point, too... and that’s why I created the Conscious Relationship Coaching Program: so that you can get to the bottom of what you truly desire in your romantic relationship & get to work creating that!

The best time to change course is TODAY - no matter which of the 6 phases in the conscious relationship cycle you’re in right now.

Step into higher relating now.


I have learned what stops us from creating the thriving relationships we truly desire.

Phase 1: Deciding Whether To Leave a Relationship, Consciously

Instead of staying stuck in indecision for months, or possibly years - learn how to make a POWERFUL decision for you, and your partner that will allow you to both create the life & partnership that is best for each of you - no matter what you decide.

Phase 2: Conscious Uncoupling, Divorce & Separation

Rather than uncoupling, divorce, breakups & separation being a messy, drawn out process that leaves you & your ex hating each other, learn how to approach the closing of your relationship consciously so that you are both FREE to move forward & have a positive post-separation relationship with each other, and yourself.

Phase 3: Consciously Healing From, A Break Up, Divorce Or Separation

Break ups are meant to feel terrible, so don't make your break up worse or longer than it needs to be. Get support as you move through the grief from separation, and learn from the experience. Break ups are tremendous opportunities for personal growth, awareness & healing that will take you to the next evolution of your life, and your relationships.

Phase 4: Conscious Dating For Your Thriving, Conscious Relationship

Dating does NOT need to be a hopeless or endlessly time-consuming process. Approach dating consciously & minimise the drama, time + energy it takes, so that the process GIVES you energy, feels FUN & allows you to step into your next level self & the relationship you truly dream of.

Phase 5: Creating A NEW Conscious Relationship

How we start a relationship matters. Most people ‘go with the flow’ at the beginning of a new relationship & end up repeating patterns of the past. Approach the beginning of your relationship consciously & set the tone for your entire experience & set yourself up with the best opportunity to CREATE the relationship you dream of.

Phase 6: Improving A Current Relationship, Consciously

Your current relationship might feel stale, but that does NOT mean it's anywhere near over yet - this is your golden opportunity to go deeper! Consciously approaching your relationship will allow space for both of you to grow + evolve, and to reach exciting new states within your life & relationship.

“We started coaching with Leticia because we were having some challenges with communication as a couple & needed to learn what we were both doing to contribute to this dynamic, as well as a lack of polarisation in our relationship. We wanted to understand energy dynamics, and how I could hold space and create a container to make her feel safe. I reached out to Leticia because I was adamant about having support and know that coaching is powerful and would point out our blindspots. Coaching with Leticia helped us to get really clear on: 1) what our intentions are in our communication & relationship 2) what our needs are and 3) what our fears are - which helped us to improve our communication dynamic, and come together as a couple. I also realised from working with Leticia that I had perceived my mum as more “feminine”, but she was actually more within her masculine and that’s what I had been expecting from Catarina. Since coaching with Leticia, we have started making more requests of each other (instead of statements), I have worked on my ego around being an expert on certain subjects & not being offended when Catarina questions me and Catarina has been communicating with more vulnerably. We also make more time for laughter and play, are softer with each other and not reacting so aggressively.”
— Callum & Catarina, Europe


And Most People Create Unfulfilling Relationships That They Outgrow.

This is because relationships require care, attention & intention just like everything else in your life...

.. without it your relationship will become like the many examples you see around you - stale, unsatisfying & unaligned!

Thriving relationships are the KEY to a thriving life, including your career or business. Consider your romantic life the microcosm for growth & expansion in EVERY area of your life…



You Will Learn The Skills You Need To Create Thriving, Conscious Relationships For The Rest Of Your Life!

Be an example of what’s possible!

  • SKILL #1: Know Yourself Enough to Know What You Truly Need & Desire in Relationship

    You think you know what you want for your life & your relationship, but you probably don't! That's why through deep transformational coaching (the process you'll be going through in the Conscious Relationship Coaching Program) our first priority is to get to the bottom of what you really want.

    This investigative process allows you to build your relationship, and your life from a STRONG FOUNDATION built on care, attention & intention (rather than your unconscious commitments) that will ensure you never feel unfulfilled in your romantic & personal life again.

  • SKILL #2: Transmute Limiting Relational Dynamics & Create Your Desired Relational Dynamic

    Part of you is committed to the state of your romantic life right now, and this is the part of you that continues to get in the way of what you truly desire. This means we must untangle your unconscious commitments that are creating & re-creating the relationship patterns you are experiencing right now, which are also undoubtedly showing up in other areas of your life too.

    In the Conscious Relationship Coaching Program you will untangle your unconscious fear-based commitments, so that you can stop recycling the past & consciously commit to the romantic relationship you truly desire!

  • STEP #3: Learn & Apply Conscious Relationship Principles, Tools & Practices to Create Your Conscious Relationship

    To achieve new results, you will need to learn new skills!

    In the Conscious Relationship Coaching Program you will learn the skills you need to create a conscious relationship with both yourself and your partner (now or in the future), so that you approach your romantic life with the care, attention & intention it needs to thrive.

    With every session you will learn a new way of consciously being & relating to both yourself, and your partner, that will set you up for a thriving romantic life for good!

  • STEP #4: Create a Thriving Romantic Life & Relationship Ecosystem that Allows You & Your Life to Thrive!

    No matter where you are right now in the relationship cycle, you will learn the skills & have the coaching to help you CONSCIOUSLY CREATE your unique version of a THRIVING relationship with BOTH yourself and a partner.

    Your healthy, secure & conscious romantic relationship ecosystem will set you up for the personal growth, creativity, independence & fulfilling life you truly desire. For those who are single, you’ll finally feel ready, safe & open to a romantic relationship.

    You’ll be a cutting edge LEADER in love + relationships. So much so, that all your friends will be looking to you for guidance!


Is The Ultimate Step-By-Step "Short-Cut" For Your Romantic Relationship Success

Now's Your Once-In-A-Lifetime

Opportunity To TAKE IT.

Hi. I'm your Award-Winning Conscious Relationship Coach. Leticia Ringe!

I'm offering this once-In-a lifetime opportunity for you to experience my Conscious Relationship Coaching Program one-to-one.

This means. my program will be bespoke & tailored to YOU entirely.

Meeting you in the phase of the relationship cycle you’re in right now in a way that we simply would not be able to do within a group container.

You will learn, and practice Conscious Relationship tools that I have spent a lifetime cultivating.

These are tools you will not learn anywhere else, and will expand your romantic life AND your life in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.

Whether you decide to go into this process with a partner or alone your romantic relationship will thank you.


"THIS Is The Only Opportunity To Create Your Conscious Romantic Relationship With Me Personally By Your Side..”


When I started coaching with Leticia I was in a 4 year long-distance committed relationship. I decided to sign up for CRCP because there was a lot of uncertainty about whether my partner & I should live in one place together or be together at all, and I was hoping to find more clarity about what I wanted through coaching. Through coaching, I finally realised that I didn’t allow myself to have desires because I didn’t know how to fulfil them or to get them fulfilled, so I just didn’t have any desires at all. Leticia helped me to dig deep into where that pattern came from and coaching helped me to get clarity on what desires I do have, and what I want to commit to within my relationship and romantic life. This clarity generally brought my partner & I closer together, so that we are now speaking + communicating more openly & vulnerably and are able to resolve differences. Coaching with Leticia helped me to get the clarity I was looking for, and now I’m applying this work to my relationship with family members!
— S, Europe

Don't settle for less than you deserve in your romantic life anymore. Allow yourself to create a thriving, conscious relationship with a person who turns you on & is able to meet you in the relationship & life you most desire fully.

Be the example of what’s possible and up-level your life in the most fun way possible - through love!

I promise this process will expand not only your romantic life, but also every other aspect of your life too.

What could you do with more energy passion. motivation, attraction & fulfilment?

The best time to start the Conscious Relationship process was years ago, the second best time is today.