What Does Being in a Conscious Relationship Look Like?

Episode 19

Have you ever wondered what being in a "conscious relationship" looks like?

In today's episode, you will find out!

Being in a conscious relationship often means leaning into many of the interactions we unconsciously & automatically avoid & protect ourselves from in our relationships.

This is the case for friendships, romantic relationships, relationships with family members and our professional relationships.

Thankfully, on the other side of this relationship "work" is everything you most deeply desire in your relationships.

Find out more in Episode 19. You'll learn:

  1. What a conscious relationship is;

  2. Why conscious relationships lead to more communication;

  3. Why conscious relationships might mean more conflict & disagreement;

  4. What cleansing & repair have to do with conscious communication;

  5. Why conscious relationships create more quality connection & collaboration; and

  6. Examples of a conscious relationship in a professional team environment, with a family, in a friendship and within a romantic partnership.

Happy learning!

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Create Thriving Relationships Today


How to Start & Practise a Conscious Relationship