At Relate Higher™, we are dedicated to revolutionising the way relationships are formed and nurtured through cutting-edge education, personalised coaching, and a thriving community.

We strive to create a higher standard in relationships that empower individuals to reach their fullest potential.

No matter the type of relationship - romantic, friendship, family, or professional - every moment presents a chance to connect on a deeper level. We're here to assist you in seizing that opportunity: to relate higher.

When we experience meaningful, satisfying and quality relationships we take more risks in life, we enjoy better health & energy and we are abundantly resourced in ways no other currency, success or circumstance can achieve.

So, if you’re ready to learn the skills to create thriving, quality relationships across your life - you’re in the right place!

Meet our Founder 

I'm Leticia Ringe - the Founder of Relate Higher. As a Multi Award-Winning Coach and former Family Lawyer & Consultant, I help people all around the world transform & improve the quality of their lives, their businesses and their relationships. 

I created Relate Higher to teach you the skills required for thriving relationships combining my expertise in transformation, personal development, relationship coaching, business & career consulting, leadership + conscious relationships.

At every single stage of the relationship cycle, whether it be romantic relationships, friendship, family or your professional relationships we have the opportunity to approach the relationship from a place of love & consciousness.

This is what it means to “relate higher”: a relational approach that guarantees positive outcomes, meaningful connection & a relationship ecosystem that allows all involved - both individually & collectively - to thrive.

And it also has a global impact. To achieve the loving, peaceful, safe & connected world we all desire - change must first start at home: within ourselves, and with the people we relate to on a regular basis. That’s what Relate Higher is here to help you do.

You can find Leticia’s other bodies of work on holistic business, personal development & leadership HERE.

We stand for:

Meaningful Connection

Quality Relationships

Conscious Relationships

Thriving Individuals

Meaningful Connection • Quality Relationships • Conscious Relationships • Thriving Individuals •


  • "I was broken hearted, coming out of a relationship, and knew I had to heal. What I didn’t know is that I’d be able to heal and feel glorious at the same time. Don’t get me wrong: I was also really sad sometimes and grieving, but Leticia helped me process my emotions, focus on my self, and really enjoy the transition in new ways. I had never enjoyed being single so much before (even though I thought I had!), and I learned a lot about my own needs and meeting them. I now feel more relaxed, confident, and ready to re-enter the dating world with new tools and more self-love. From my broken and healed heart to yours, I whole-heartedly recommend Leticia!”

    Cathy, USA

  • "We started coaching with Leticia because we were having some challenges with communication as a couple & needed to learn what we were both doing to contribute to this dynamic, as well as a lack of polarisation in our relationship. We wanted to understand energy dynamics, and how I could hold space for Catarina and create a container to make her feel safe. I reached out to Leticia because I was adamant about having support and know that coaching is powerful and would point out our blindspots. Coaching with Leticia helped us to get really clear on: 1) what our intentions are in our communication & relationship 2) what our needs are and 3) what our fears are - which helped us to improve our communication dynamic, and come together as a couple."

    Callum + Catarina, Europe

  • "When I started coaching with Leticia I was in a 4 year long-distance committed relationship. I decided to sign up for CRCP because there was a lot of uncertainty about whether my partner & I should live in one place together or be together at all, and I was hoping to find more clarity about what I wanted through coaching. My main takeaway from coaching was realising that I didn't allow myself to have desires because I didn't know how to fulfil them or to get them fulfilled, so I just didn't have any desires at all. Leticia helped me to dig deep into where that pattern came from and coaching helped me to get clarity on what desires I do have, and what I want to commit to within my relationship and romantic life. This clarity generally brought my partner & I closer together, so that we are now speaking + communicating more openly & vulnerably and are able to resolve differences and personally it's also helped me to make decisions about whether or not to continue in the relationship at all."

    Sally, Europe